Success Story: LoopNet
The #1 online commercial real estate marketplace, LoopNet launched its first paid subscription product after aggregating through its free service a critical mass of commercial property listings (supply) and users (demand).
To support the launch, the company relied considerably on CRELIX.
The agency helped LoopNet communicate both its corporate story (why and how the product launch was a significant event for the company in the context of its business plan) and its product story (why and how the new product would benefit paying LoopNet customers).
With the agency's help, the company achieved its initial sales targets, reached profitability, went public and continued to grow revenues and traffic at a rapid clip. Ultimately, the company was sold to a competitor at a premium price.
Along the way, CRELIX helped the company develop and maintain key marketing metrics, leverage market research and other content into media coverage, and interview customers to glean success stories as well as solicit feedback on how they valued various product features and benefits. Return to Success Stories main page