Commercial Real Estate Public Relations and Marketing
CRELIX: Finance & Investment

Finance & Investment

As noted on the Overview page, commercial real estate is an $18-trillion asset class in the U.S. In other words, it’s a massive market.

Most commercial and multifamily properties are privately owned by individuals, families, small and large businesses, private equity funds, insurance companies and pension funds. That said, a significant slice of the market is publicly traded; individual and institutional investors can participate in the highly liquid public market for real estate ownership and operating companies.

Investors also can participate in the market for commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), equity and debt funds, and direct investment in commercial properties.

CRELIX has supported clients engaged in all manner of real estate finance and investment, from private equity firms to lenders and investors to online real estate crowdfunding companies. We helped name and launch a national commercial property valuation and advisory services firm — so feel free to quiz us on the three generally accepted methods of valuing income-producing real estate!

As marketing agency participants in the world of real estate finance and investment, we’re students of Dodd-Frank, the JOBS Act, Reg D, general solicitation, cap rates, the “hunt for yield,” international capital standards, the foreclosure crisis and more. We also know the extent to which financial transactions are being consummated online (or not), the state of technology used to power commercial real estate finance, and data available on the market.

It’s not Greek to us, so if you hire CRELIX Marketing Partners, you benefit from our knowledge and history serving the real estate finance and investment market.