Commercial Real Estate Public Relations and Marketing
CRELIX: Success Story: Mid-America Real Estate

Success Story: Mid-America Real Estate

By several key measures, Mid-America Real Estate is the #1 retail real estate services provider in the Midwest.

The organization is as dynamic as the industry it serves, which is why they hired CRELIX to kick their corporate marketing up to the next level.

We did, and had a ton of fun in the process of developing a next-generation website, a national thought-leadership (editorial) program, a wildly successful corporate email newsletter that showcased their local and regional success on behalf of clients, and an earned media relations campaign that literally exposed Mid-America on the front page of the Chicago Tribune and in the top spot on 

The primary goal: Elevate the brand beyond transactions to demonstrate their holistic success helping tenants, landlords and investor-owners through the full cycle of retail real estate ownership, investment, operations and occupancy.  Return to Success Stories main page